
Step 1: Access Twitch Inspector

Step 2: Prepare Your Stream

  • In a new tab, go to your Twitch Creator Dashboard.

  • Navigate to Settings > Stream to find your Stream Key and RTMP ingest URL

  • Copy the RTMP URL & Stream Key, and add ?bandwidthtest=true to the end, creating a URL like rtmp://<stream_key>?bandwidthtest=true

  • Taste the full URL into the “Stream Target” field of your stream on Livepeer.

Step 3: Start a Stream Test

  • In Twitch Inspector, click the Run a Stream Test button.

Step 4: Stream and Monitor

  • Start streaming with OBS. Twitch Inspector will begin receiving your stream data. Please be patient as this may take up to 90 seconds.

  • In Twitch Inspector, confirm that the stream output is what you expect. You can also use this to preview changes to pipeline parameters.

Step 5: Final Check & Real Stream

  • Once your stream test looks stable in Twitch Inspector, stop the stream in OBS

  • In Livepeer, remove ?bandwidthtest=true from the Stream Key.

  • Start your actual live stream