How to Publish a Pipeline

This guide will walk you through creating, configuring, and publishing a pipeline step by step.

Before You Begin: Export Your ComfyUI Workflow JSON

Before creating a pipeline, you’ll need to export your workflow JSON from ComfyUI:

  1. Open ComfyUI: Launch ComfyUI and ensure your workflow is finalized.

  2. Export Workflow JSON: Use the Export (API) option in ComfyUI to save your workflow as a JSON file.

  3. Save the File: Keep the exported JSON file handy for upload during pipeline creation.

Step 1: Create a New Pipeline

  1. Access the Pipeline Creation Page: Navigate to the “Create Pipeline” interface.

  2. Fill in the Pipeline Details:

    • Name: Enter a descriptive name for your pipeline (e.g., Live Portrait Generator).

    • Version: Specify the version number (e.g., 1.0.0).

    • Description: Provide a clear description of what your pipeline does and its use cases.

  3. Upload Assets:

    • Cover Image: Upload an image that represents your pipeline.

    • ComfyUI JSON: Upload your pipeline’s ComfyUI workflow JSON file.

  4. Proceed to the Next Step: Click Next to move to parameter configuration.

Step 2: Configure Parameters

  1. Select Key Parameters:

    • Choose up to 5 important parameters that should always be visible to users.

    • For each parameter:

      • Node: Select the relevant node.

      • Field: Choose the associated field.

      • Display Name: Provide a user-friendly name for the parameter.

      • Description: Explain what the parameter does.

      • Widget Type: Specify the input type (e.g., Text).

  2. Add Additional Parameters:

    • Click Add Parameter to configure additional parameters as needed.
  3. Review Configuration: Ensure all key parameters are accurately set up.

  4. Finalize: Click Create to save and proceed to the validation step.

Step 3: Validate and Publish the Pipeline

  1. Run Pre-Deployment Tests:

    • The system will automatically validate your pipeline and benchmark its performance.

    • Results include metrics like:

      • Average Framerate: The frame rate achieved by your pipeline.

      • Framerate Degradation: Indicates any drops in performance.

      • Status: General pipeline validation status.

  2. Review Results: Ensure all benchmarks meet your requirements.

  3. Publish the Pipeline: Once the tests are complete and successful, click Publish Pipeline to make it live.

Sharing your Pipeline

Congratulations! Your pipeline is now published and ready for use. For additional configurations or edits, revisit the pipeline settings.

To share your pipeline, you have two options:

  • Simply share the link and let your friends try it themselves

  • Navigate to, create a stream with your pipeline, and stream to your favorite social media platform. Comprehensive streaming guides can be found here