Install ComfyUI and ComfyStream
Setting up a local development system for ComfyUI and ComfyStream using ComfyStream_Setup_Scripts
Setup Environment
Follow the steps in How to Deploy a RunPod Server
No system pre-requisites are required for RunPod when using the container image
Continue with installing ComfyUI and ComfyStream below
Install ComfyUI and ComfyStream
- Clone the ComfyStream Setup Scripts to your home directory
- Run the initial setup script to install Conda, ComfyStream and ComfyUI:
- Initialize conda by running the following command:
Next Steps
- Install Custom Nodes in ComfyUI and ComfyStream
- Run ComfyUI to validate the install
- Run ComfyStream to start a live stream with your ComfyUI workflow!
If you need to start over due to unresolvable package conflicts, you can delete the conda environments and start over:
Finally, run the setup script again to recreate the conda environments: